Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Japanese culture in my eyes

I spent my Thanksgiving break on campus. It was my first "stay-vacation". I was always gone during breaks before. I made a plan to listen to good music and read good books during the break. I read Haruki's Norwegian Wood, 1Q84, 100 percent girl and South of the Border. I like his books, because of the truthfulness and boldness in telling the truth. The characters are very self-reflective. It is as if they are examining every inch of themselves in front of a mirror with no clothes on. I appreciate this cruel honesty with oneself. They face their desires and weaknesses honestly without finding excuses for themselves.

This truthfulness is plain and natural. Even though I am still not very knowledgable about Japanese culture, I have a feeling that Japanese culture values naturalness and simpleness, as can be seen through the style of clothing and interior designs among many other things. If I were to compare Japanese culture and French culture, I would use the example of macarons. My favorite macaron store is Sadaharu Aoki in Paris, which is a Japanese style bakery. I like their pastry because it is rich in taste without the overwhelming sweetness like what is found in French bakery.

私はキャンパス内に私の感謝祭の休暇を過ごしました。それは私の最初の "滞在-休暇」でした。私はいつも前の休憩中に消えていました。私はよい音楽を聴くための計画を作り、休憩中に良い本を読みます。私は春樹のノルウェイの森、1Q84100パーセントの女の子と国境の南をお読みください。ため、私は真実を語っにおける真実性と大胆さで、彼の本が好き。文字は非常に自己反射性です。彼らはありません服を着て鏡の前で自分自身のあらゆるインチを検討しているかのようにあります。私は自分でこの残酷な正直に感謝。彼らは彼ら自身のために言い訳を見つけることなく正直に自分の欲望や弱点に直面しています。


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